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Точка доступа Cisco C9120AXI-E


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Двухдиапазонная точка доступа Cisco Aironet серии 9100 с внутренними антеннами поддерживающая стандарт 802.11ax волны 2 и расчетной скоростью передачи данных до 5,38 Гбит/с. Предназначена для автономной работы.

Блок питания AIR-PWRINJ5AIR-PWRINJ6 в комплект не входят

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Мы все больше зависим от наших беспроводных сетей, чем когда-либо прежде. Каждый год к WiFi сетям подключаются все больше устройств, а точки доступа Cisco Catalyst серии 9120AX обеспечат бесперебойную работу в любом месте. Выходя за рамки стандарта Wi-Fi 6 (802.11ax), серия 9120AX обеспечивает интегрированную безопасность, отказоустойчивость. Cisco Catalyst 9120AX Series масштабируется в соответствии с растущими потребностями Интернета вещей, полностью поддерживая последние инновации и новые технологии. Более того, серия 9120AX является лидером по производительности, безопасности и аналитике. Эти точки доступа являются первым шагом в обновлении вашей сети, чтобы вы могли лучше использовать все функции и преимущества, которые предоставляет Wi-Fi 6.

Ключевые особенности:

  • Стандарт 802.11ax с технологией многоканального входа-выхода (MIMO) 4x4 с четыремя пространственным потокам обеспечивает теоретическую скорость передачи до 5,38 Гбит/с
  • Поддержка каналов до 160 МГц
  • 1 порт со скоростью до 2.5G Base-T
  • Режим работы радио:

            -  2.4 ГГц и 5 ГГц режим, одновременное обслуживание клиентов работающих в диапазоне 2,4 ГГц и 5 ГГц
            -  5 ГГц режим, оба радио приема-передатчика работают в режиме 5 ГГц, что позволяет достигать скорости 5,2 Гбит/с (2 x 2,6 Гбит/с)

Feature Benefits
802.11ax (Wi-Fi 6)     
The IEEE 802.11ax emerging standard, also known as High-Efficiency-Wireless (HEW) or Wi-Fi 6, builds on 802.11ac. It will deliver a better experience in typical environments and more predictable performance for advanced applications such as 4K or 8K video, high-density, high-definition collaboration apps, all-wireless offices, and IoT. 802.11ax is designed to use both the 2.4-Ghz and 5-GHz bands, unlike the 802.11ac standard.
Uplink/downlink OFDMA OFDMA-based scheduling splits the bandwidth into smaller chunks called Resource Units (RUs), which can be allocated to individual clients in both the downlink and uplink directions to reduce overhead and latency.
MU‑MIMO technology Supporting four spatial streams, MU-MIMO enables access points to split spatial streams between client devices, to maximize throughput.
BSS coloring Spatial reuse (also known as Basic Service Set [BSS] coloring) allows the Access Points (APs) and their clients to differentiate between BSSs, thus permitting more simultaneous transmissions.
Target wake time A new power savings mode called Target Wake Time (TWT) allows the client to stay asleep and to wake up only at prescheduled (target) times to exchange data with the AP. This offers significant energy savings for battery-operated devices, up to 3x to 4x compared to 802.11n and 802.11ac.
Cisco Embedded Wireless Controller The 9115 Wi-Fi 6 access points are available with a built-in controller. The Cisco Embedded Wireless Controller on Catalyst 9100 Access Points provides an easy-to-deploy and manage option that does not require a physical appliance. The control resides on the access point, so there is no added footprint or complexity. And because it uses Cisco Catalyst 9800 Series code, it’s easy to migrate your network as your needs grow. For more details refer to EWC
User Defined Network A feature available in Cisco DNA Center, allows IT to give end users control of their very own wireless network partition on a shared network. End users can then remotely and securely deploy their devices on this network. Perfect for university dormitories or extended hospital stays, Cisco User Defined Network grants both device security and control, allowing each user to choose who can connect to their network. (Available second half of calendar year 2020.) For more details refer to UDN.
Application Hosting on Catalyst 9100 Access Application Hosting on Catalyst 9100 Access Points helps future-proof and simplify IoT deployments by eliminating the need to install and manage overlay networks. Utilizing the USB interface, containerized applications and hardware modules can be deployed to reduce cost and complexity. Adding Cisco DNA Center provides workflows and deployment-wide application lifecycle management.
Multigigabit Ethernet support Provides uplink speeds of 2.5 Gbps, in addition to 100 Mbps and 1 Gbps. All speeds are supported on Category 5e cabling for an industry first, as well as 10GBASE-T (IEEE 802.3bz) cabling.
Bluetooth 5.0 Integrated Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE) 5.0 radio to enable IoT use cases such as location tracking and wayfinding.
Apple features

Apple and Cisco have partnered to create an optimal mobile experience for iOS devices on corporate networks based on Cisco technologies. Using new features in iOS 10, in combination with the latest software and hardware from Cisco, businesses can now more effectively use their network infrastructure to deliver an enhanced user experience across all business applications.

At the center of the collaboration is a unique handshake between the Cisco WLAN and Apple devices. This handshake enables the Cisco WLAN to provide an optimal Wi-Fi roaming experience to Apple devices. Additionally, the Cisco WLAN trusts Apple devices and gives priority treatment for business-critical applications specified by the Apple device. This feature is also known as Fast Lane.


Частотный диапазон Wi-Fi, ГГц2.4
Поддержка MIMO, в диапазоне 2.4ГГц4x4
Поддержка MIMO, в диапазоне 5ГГц4x4
Портов LAN1
Стандарты Wi-Fi IEEE 802.11802.11g
802.11ac (Wi-Fi 5)
802.11n (Wi-Fi 4)
802.11ax (Wi-Fi 6)
Температура окружающей среды рабочая, °Cот -30 до 70
Порт USBUSB 2.0
Тип антенныинтегрированная
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